I'm starting to realize that I post way more than ANYone else! That's okay. Well, on this Halloween night, I am kind of sad. I don't want to take down my BOO! blocks tomorrow. Or turn around my pumpkins so they only show orange instead of cute faces. I
really don't want to take down my witch. They are all so cute. I kind of want to make more blocks that say like...HARVEST, or THANKS on it or something. That way I don't feel totally empty inside (ha, just kidding...I'm not that attached).
Well, I am simply waiting for Clay to finish his homework so we can watch
The Office. We have this major Business Law assignment due tomorrow. Of course, neither of us did it until tonight. WELL- while Clay was selflessly setting up our friends sound system, I got mine done. Now he is doing his. I think he is almost done. I also want him to finish so we can eat our cookies sitting on the table. He said he likes to wait to eat them until we are watching the show, and I already ate one, so I decided I could wait, like a good girl.
Well I have yet to find the powdered mix for Hot Apple Cider. I will probably just get the recipe from Patty. I'm sure it's delicious.
Well, yesterday I didn't read my scriptures or say a really solid personal prayer, and guess what? I totally was stressed all day. Not because I was thinking- oh I didn't read my scriptures...blah balh, I was just naturally stressed. Today, I read my scriptures and prayed and I got done my entire list with ease. You'd think I'd get the point and start reading my scriptures EVERY day and saying a sincere prayer ALL the time, but no. I somehow always forget that the testimony of prayer and scripture study has been confirmed over and over and over to me. I decide to get distracted or something. Well---no more! I am going to try so hard to read my scriptures in the morning when I get up EVERY DAY! Imagine the things I could get done in my life! I hope none of you think I'm talking about this lightly or are sick of me talking about this. I really just kind of want all you to know- I'm sure you've all figured it out by now, the secret of: praying and reading your scriptures=happiness. Well, anyway, I just felt I should share.
I just want to say that my husband is so cute. He is VERY handsome. For some reason, he has been wearing the CUTEST outfits lately. He has looked soooo good all the time. It makes me happy. He's a sweety.
I fear that you are all going to stop reading my blog because all I do is write, and I don't have any cute babies to put on here. Oh well. That's okay if you do. I think this is good for me to write. I NEVER write in school anymore. I swear, all I do is crunch numbers or scream in frustration. Do those two relate? Hmmmm, probably yes.
OKAY-one last story. My partner for my tax return...she is pretty silly. I think she is one of those people that LOVES to socialize. First day- she asks me, how long have you been married?--A year and a half--So what year are you?--I am a Junior--5th or 6th semester?--5th--Cool, me too....soooo your like what..21,22?--No I'm 19--
*wide eyes* oh well...how does that work out? Did you like...graduate early or something?---Yep--So...are you glad you got married? What is it like? I mean...is it different than being single?--*
blank stare*uh...what do you mean is it different?--I mean...what is it like being married? are you glad?--*
my thoughts:are you crazy?where are these questions coming from?!* yeah...uh...I do like it. It is way different than single life. We aren't as social...we are poor...ummm...yeah...?- (side note- it was really wierd because she was SO serious when asking me these questions. Like she really feared I wasn't enjoying marriage. Keep in mind, we had just met the day before) she then says--hmmm that's wierd. I just can't see it being any different--Well.........--then somehow we ended up having me tell our entire dating story and then she seemed happy. She is weird. Then yesterday we were in the library and she was looking around constantly and saying hi to people and talked to her friend for 5 FLIPPIN MINUTES while I was sitting there waiting to work on our tax return. She then turns to me and says, "sorry!!" I look at her with a serious stare and say, 'do you want to do this another time?' she says, 'no sorry!!!!' I say, 'I really want to get this done as soon as possible'. She said ' yeah me too, sorry'. Yeah right. Gosh. I might sound rude but imagine just sitting there with a girl turning her back towards you to talk about boys with her roommate. She did this a number of times during our session and it was like 5pm. I was way mad. Finally we finished. Hopefully we did it right. ANYway. I'm glad I'm married.
Okay, time for the office. I love you all!!!