Monday, July 5, 2010

I just watched "Remember Me"

And I hated it.

Seriously- that was the most DEPRESSING MOVIE in my ENTIRE LIFE! UGH! Seriously? Seriously. How do people decide this is good entertainment? I don't know. All I know is I felt heavy through the whole thing and I just wanted to cry and punch myself in the head all at the same time.

Thank goodness the bachelorette was on after we watched it...otherwise my night would be ruined. Team Vienna, by the way. Jake is a twerp. Yeah, V is annoying, but J is a manipulative meany head.

Anyway, that's all. I have more updates and stuff but I'm too tired. Peace. If you want to be happy, don't watch Remember Me.


Megan and Greg said...

Ha, ha! Couldn't you tell that was a heavy movie from the previews? I thought the whole thing was fine/great until the 9/11 twist at the end. I didn't appreciate that at ALL. But the rest was fine, but I was expecting a DRAMATIC movie. I just thought that was SO FUNNY what you said. I totally get where you're coming from.

Sharon/Mom/ Grandma said...

I am still laughing! I loved that! I feel bad for you but happy for me that you watched that terrible show, for your blog has cheered up my day! Meany head...that's a new one, I think I like it! love you!!!


ha- i had to read the "punch myself in teh head" to mike- that was hilarious- yeah- the movie is not what it looks like in teh previews. and the 9-11 twist in the end? so dissapointing.

Mindy said...

I actually really liked the movie. Everyone involved in 9/11 all had there own stories. I usually like movies that my family doesn't. Haha.

Ainsley said...

okay... i rented it 2 weekends ago. turned it off within 20 minutes. i felt so guilty i was making my husband watch it on his day off. worst movie ever.