Anyway, I am home from work. WHY am I home from work, you may wonder? It is only 10:11 am. WELL, my work has been ridiculous lately, and they have RUN OUT of work for me to do. Supposedly they are getting TONS of stuff in on Monday, but today, nothin. SO- early weekend for me! I would normally LOVE this, but Clay is at work. WHAT?! Yep, he's a workin man again! And by workin man, I mean ALL THE TIME working man. He started...Wednesday. Guess what he is doing? FENCING! Yes, you heard it- hard hard physical LABOR. Wends, he worked 8 hours on his feet in the sun, came home...I asked him how he felt (joint-wise)- he said he felt exauhsted but as far as joints go, NOTHIN! Can you believe that?!?!?! All day yesterday I couldn't stop thinking how grateful I am that all this has changed. I mean, really- so amazing. He worked yesterday for 8 hours again, fencing, and THEN his friend said he had an extra job of moving this office to another office (moving furniture and stuff) for some exra money, so Clay took it and worked 5 more hours! Yes friends, my husband worked 13 HOURS YESTERDAY! I must admit, I was a little mad at him...he told me I was ungrateful and too negative about our blessings. I know he's right...but listen to this next part. We only have one cell phone right? No land-line or anything. Well he takes the phone! I have NO idea when he is getting home, so I just sit and do nothing until 10:30 at night...WONDERING if my husband is alive! I don't think I'd mind that he's gone so much if I knew what he was up to! Ugh. Oh well...Clay doesn't know if he'll keep working during school, so he said I'll just have to deal with it for a couple more weeks. It's a really good paying job...oh yeah, he works in Idaho Falls and places all over SE Idaho...THAT'S another reason to and such. But they pay him for travel time as well so it's all good. We really will save a ton of money by him working a lot these next couple that's good. I am grateful. I guess I am just a worry-wort so it's not that fun for me. BUT, I AM grateful, so grateful, that Clay is simply capable of doing this job! It's amazing!
Well, before Clay started his job, we were watching LOST a TON. This season (the third) is just so hard to stop. So many questions, no our tv isn't high tech enough to be able to play the laptop stuff on the tv screen. We have wires and stuff, but it doesn't work on our tv....SO we are stuck watching it on Clay's computer. We've been watching in our papasan chair, the one that is round and big...but it started getting really uncomfortable and messing with my back. Well, we had a brilliant idea to just move our couch on over to the computer! It's not like we were watching anything on the TV anymore. We figured we'd move it until we were done with the seasons...why not? So here is what our apartment looks like:
It cracks me up. BUT, it is so much more comfortable. I wish we had thought of this long ago. WELL, remember our oven broke? A week ago? Guess what? STILL BROKEN! I swear- my lanlord is so freaking cheap- WHY CAN'T HE JUST HIRE A MAINTENANCE PERSON INSTEAD OF FIXING EVERYTHING HIMSELF MAKING EVERYTHING TAKE AGES TO FIX! Do you know how badly I've wanted to make white french bread this week? Or how I've been dying for some cookies? (that's probably one positive of it being broken...less treats). Doesn't this man realize that an oven is sort of a necessity in this day and age? I went to the managers last night and said...uhhh...he still hasn't come to fix it. They said, "oh really? I thought he had...I'll call him right now and let you know tonight when he's coming", me-"okay thanks!". Guess what? The managers never freaking came to tell us ANYTHING! BAH! I mean..why even think to upgrade kitchen items at all? They're obviously top quality...
NOT. How old is this oven anyway? A billion years old? Whatever.
Sorry about the negativity. Well...what to do today...what to do. I think I will SEW! That sounds awesome. Finally enough time, when Clay's not around, to do a project! We'll see how it goes. I can't really spend any it has to be something with what I already have...K. Love to you all!!!!!!!!!!! Hopefully next time I post, I will be eating homemade bread with LOTS of butter:)
I am so happy for you and Clay both. I bet Clay doesn't even complain about the hard work and is just grateful his body lets him. I bet he is loving it. I am soooo happy for you guys. And soooo excited for you to move down here. Love you both!
That doesn't surprise me that they didn't fix your oven yet! Man I am glad we didn't have anything like that break when we were there. Thats a bummer. Cute turtle! It's a miny Dora! We want a turtle now, but we are going to be moving again in like 4 or 5 months, but we have room! You guys should come and visit us and brit and tyler too. You would each have your own bedroom! I still cant believe that we live in a huge house but its fun. I just dont have anything to put in it so it looks so bare! Hope your oven gets fixed soon. We probably wont even get out depsosit back for awhile. She told us she would mail it the day after we moved out and still nothing. Hope your oven gets fixed soon! Braeden says hi to the both of you.
This post cracked me up! Ok- the turtle, i started laughing when she hurried and got in the water, it was so funny, it's amazing that she can sense you coming when you were walking so slowly and quietly. Don't worry clay, I know you're busy and that you're a perfect pet owner! And guess what? None of us own these kind of htings so we dont' knwo the diff! The couch infront of the computer is hilarious. So sorry you have to watch on teh computer. And your oven- AWFUL!!!!!! That is awful!!!! I feel so bad for ytou! I can't belieev you haven't had any cookies this week?! Yikes!!! Amazing. Well I'm on my 5th episode of Lost, - I want answers! They better end this thing with a conclusion and answers and comfortt and peace when it's all over! What have you gotten us into?!!!!!!!! I love you and miss you!
Oh yeah, and that is so wonderful that Clay is getting alot of work, and that he feels fine! That is wonderful! I'm so happy for you. Prayers really do work!
So funny how you have another Rosemary. It makes me wonder if your first born will be a rosemary. The turtle is cute. Never thought that would come out of my mouth. I understand the oven thing. Though, my landlords have been pretty snappy. But when an oven of mine broke they said, oh we'll bring a new one in. I was SO EXCITED!!!! They just brought another old one. I was so disappointed.
Oh yeah. I am so glad about Clay's joints. That is so wonderful. I am so happy for you both!
Dear Danielle, I love the turtle she is really cute!!! I am glad that Clay can work like a normal young man now. That is totally awesome and Amy is right prayers do work. I am sorry about you getting worried about Clay,and that is normal also. Once I was so worried when grandpa didn't come when he was supposed to I walked to where he was working in the dark, in Texas and I should have been afraid, but I was so concerned about him I wasn't afraid at all. An imagination is a wonderful thing, and it can be frightening also. So hang in and say your prayers, and all will go well. Love you so much grandma
Dear Danielle, I love the turtle she is really cute!!! I am glad that Clay can work like a normal young man now. That is totally awesome and Amy is right prayers do work. I am sorry about you getting worried about Clay,and that is normal also. Once I was so worried when grandpa didn't come when he was supposed to I walked to where he was working in the dark, in Texas and I should have been afraid, but I was so concerned about him I wasn't afraid at all. An imagination is a wonderful thing, and it can be frightening also. So hang in and say your prayers, and all will go well. Love you so much grandma
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