Friday, August 10, 2007

I've been tagged

I think this is silly, but as they say "everyone else is doing it". I got tagged to say 8 random things about myself. Here it goes!

1. I am one of the biggest Harry Potter fans you'll ever meet. In fact, all 7 books have been out, I've read them all, and yet...I still check everyday! It's not like anything else is coming. I guess I am still just getting over the fact that it's done.

2. I LOVE to sit or lay and just think. I like to call it meditation because I really think that is what it means to meditate. I do this regularly. I sit and think of my life's past, present and future. I think I need that. Just some peace and quiet to think about life. It is always different things. But I do this ALL the time and love it. Clay always says, 'you okay hun?' or...'are you sure you don't want to do something?' and I always say, no I am fine:)

3. I am scared of normal milk. Ever since my mom, and two sisters read the China study and told me about it, I have feared normal milk IMMENSELY. I NEVER use is in baking or drinking anymore. I always use soy or rice milk. We get half gallons probably once a month and always end up throwing it out because it is chunky and gross.

4. I check my e-mail/blog/all the websites I check daily probably 10 or more times a day. Literally. I am a little OCD with it. I really despise that I do that too. I just can't stop myself. I HAVE to know if there is something new.

5. I am very scared of the dark and of heights. I love roller coasters and high things that are fast, but if it is stationary or slow, I am terrified beyond measure. Dark does the same thing. I get upset at Clay if it is night and we are walking to the bedroom and turns off the light before I get to the bedroom light.

6. I am the person in our family that pays the bills and manages finances. I am also the cheap one. All my sisters talk about their husbands trying to save a dollar and being stressed about finances, and that is totally me. I constantly check our online banking and get stressed that we are running out of money when in reality, we aren't. Clay is pretty stressed free in this area (most likely because I am here to do all the worrying)

7. Cheddar Cheese makes me have indigestion. Also if I eat after 8 that usually gives me indigestion. I have severe problems with an acid reflux type of thing. BUT, funnily, all treats are good to go at all hours of the night. In fact, I honestly feel that chocolate sometimes helps the indigestion.

8. I forget being upset really quickly. I could be mad at Clay one minute, and after we make up, seriously 10 minutes later I try very hard to remember what I was mad at and can't remember. This happens ALL the time. Also, I get soooo sick of school and want a large vacation, but then a week after vacation I am ready for a new semester and strangely excited.

Well, that's it! I guess I tag all that is on my list. Half of all of you have already done it, and tagged me!

By the way- the past couple days I have been with Rebecca and the girls in Utah. We went to Lagoon and some other places. I don't really feel well right now so I will probably post all the pictures tomorrow. They are soooooooo cute. It made me even more excited to have a family.


Megan and Greg said...

Fun facts! I think they were all new to me! Love you!

Lizzie said...

Had no idea about so many of those things.

I love that you meditate. That is so healthy and I've always wanted to do it but I have very little patience and my mind wanders to worrying. How did you start doing that?

The China Study....part of me wishes I never read that book, probably because I actually believe it but don't want to. I think it's great that you don't drink milk anymore. We don't either, mostly because Tanner and Kate are allergic. We don't have anything dairy in our house: milk, cheese, cream cheese, icecream, butter etc. Oh except chocolate chips...I figure a little smidgen of dairy can't hurt anyone, right?

I LOVE that chocolate helps your indigestion and that treats don't cause it!!! Love you!

Danielle said...

Lizzie- On meditation- I don't really know how I started doing it. I remember doing it in highschool. Just sitting on the couch looking at the ocean thinking. I'm guessing it started when I was sad about living in waldport and has never stopped. I also never set a time to do it. It kind of just happens. A lot of times I can't get something off my mind but I feel too busy to actually think about it, so I sit down and think of everything I need to think about until I am at peace about it, or at least feel like I can get it out of my mind for a while. Because if I don't, I'll go crazy!

Sharon/Mom/ Grandma said...

That is so cool about your meditating. I think you are the wisest person I know, maybe that is why!

For your sake I wish you didn't have to check the blogs so often, but I understand, it is the first thing I do when I turn on the computer. I used check my email first. I check it several times a day.

Dad worries about money like you but would be mad at me for saying so. He also forgives quickly like you do, I wish I did!!

I used to be scared of the dark, one day I just told myself there was nothing to be afraid of. I don't know why it worked but it did.

It was fun to read those things!

Emily said...

Hey that's a good list! It is so good that you take time to sit and think...the world moves so fast sometimes, it's hard to take time to stop and think.

I am working on forgiving more easily...that's such a good quality. I swear, I am becoming more and more stubborn, which is BAD!

I don't know about the china study and I don't know if I want to! I HATE milk so much, but I do use it for cooking. Steve is allergic to it, so when we buy 1/2 gallon we usually throw it out too!

Oh and I'm with you about the ocd with checking blogs and emails! I have to know when there's new stuff to look at!


danyelli, I didn't know that you were afraid of heights, or the dark. interesting. I used to meditate- any time we went to the beach I would go on the beach for a long time by myself- and think about all the things that were on my mind- and I wouldn't stop until I was at peace- that's so itnerestin you do that too. And at home- sometimes I would do on the back patio area- BUT- eversince...Senior year maybe- I stopped- I need to get back into that. You know what- as soon as you said you look on the bright side of things- I thought "That is so true!!!!!" Man- you are so lucky- I'm the opposite always complaining. You are so amazing Danielle, I feel like nothing is wrong with you, I feel like you are perfect and have nothing to work on. You are so amazing, and I'm serious. I love you