Church was basically prepared for me today. It was all about waiting on the Lord, and how our trials are "but a small moment". We need to remember that He is aware of us, and He knows the right timing, and if we know we are waiting on the Lord, and endure with faith...all will be well and we will be rewarded more than we can imagine.
I am counting on that.
I'm so grateful for my faith. I don't know where I'd be or what condition I'd be in without it. Just the simple faith I have that God knows me, cares about me, and is there for me if I TRULY put faith in really what keeps me going. I had an experience recently where I prayed for something specific. I prayed so much. I then felt the urging to do certain things, and they didn't logically make sense to me... but I did them anyway because I knew my prayer was being answered... I had faith and my prayer WAS answered and my problem solved. I feel like if we REALLY have no reservations and just put our full trust in God, he will lead us to the right place everytime.
I am SO grateful for lessons I learn from the scriptures, and especially the Book of Mormon. Today I was reminded that if something sucks, or we don't like a situation we are in...there is NO way you will get out of it by complaining or just waiting around. You have to ask the Lord for help, and work for it. We talked about Nephi, and how when he was in the wilderness his bow broke. Him and his family had no food, and all his family were complaining and doing nothing and blaming Nephi. Nephi prayed for help, built another bow, and searched for food. He was led to the right place, and got food. He never complained and didn't get mad at his family. He just did what he had to. I needed to be reminded of that. Sometimes my life feels so crappy. But I felt really good because I feel like I AM doing everything I can to get better. I just need to trust in the Lord more and have more faith. And remember that this is "but a small moment". Want to get some comfort? Read this from the Doctrine & Covenants. My favorite part of this:
7 My son, apeace be unto thy soul; thine badversity and thine afflictions shall be but a csmall moment;
8 And then, if thou aendure it well, God shall exalt thee on high; thou shalt triumph over all thy bfoes.
9 Thy afriends do stand by thee, and they shall hail thee again with warm hearts and friendly hands.
I seriously needed reminding of that. I am happy because I DO have friends/family that stand by me, and they help. And even though sometimes I feel really lost or lonely, there are moments when I get personal revelation and confirmation that Heavenly Father knows me, Christ knows me, and they love me and are rooting for me. And I know that this dark place I feel I'm in sometimes...wont be forever.
Do you want a free copy of the Book of Mormon? Go here. You wont regret it.