Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Wanna know a secret?

Okay- so before any of you freak out thinking I'm a CPA, I'm not...yet! This letter is informing me that I passed the Financial Accounting & Reporting (FAR) section of the CPA exam. For those of you who don't know much about becoming a CPA, here's the rundown:

There are 4 sections of the CPA exam. Financial Accounting & Reporting (FAR), Business Environment & Concepts (BEC), Regulation (REG), and Auditing & Attestation (AUD). Each test is 3-5 hours long, depending on the section. The one I took was 4 hours. These are basically the hardest tests in the entire UNIVERSE! I'm not just saying that either! For the test that I took, only 45% of the people who took it passed it (I was one of them! Yay!). The test overall basically has around a 48% pass rate...meaning over half the people who take this test FAIL! I'm not kidding when I say it's like the hardest thing ever!

I decided to send in my application for the exam back in September, and figured it'd be fun to keep it a secret and tell my Dad (who's a CPA incase you didn't know) after I passed all sections. Well, about a week later we saw our doctor, Clay started treatment, I kept studying, took the test in Nov, found out I had Lyme disease, and the same day of my diagnoses, found out I passed the exam! I decided to keep studying, but then tax season started, and I was just starting treatment myself, and I pretty much thought I might die of exhaustion and stress. So I decided to hold off on studying or taking any exams until after tax season, and I also decided I would tell my Dad about the first exam, and my plans to take the rest, on his birthday (today!). He's pretty happy:).

I decided to tell everyone for a number of reasons. First, this blog is pretty therapeutic for me in sharing my feelings and what I'm going through. It's hard to not share this ginormous thing that's going on in my life. Second, Clay has been the most supportive husband EVER in this. He didn't pressure me to do it, he didn't pressure me not to. When I finally decided I was doing it, and on long days when I studied some material, and none of it made sense, and I cried and cried and said, "I'm so stupid- why would I ever think I could pass something like this?!?!" he would comfort me and tell me how smart I am and how I can do it. He seriously helped me through a bazillion break-downs. He also supported me when I decided to delay the other exams when I was feeling too run-down. That being said, I can tell he is wearing thin! If I have a breakdown or need someone to boost me up, I now have so many people to help and remind me how worth it it will be. Lastly, and kind of embarrassingly, I think I need more people to know so that it motivates me not to fail! I obviously don't want to fail...but I'm pretty prideful...and so if everyone knows I'm studying for this- my pride wont let me give up.

Only a few people knew about this. NO one was supposed to know...but I forgot to put my study book away when Patty came over once. So Clay's family knew pretty early on which actually was a good thing since we see them so much! They were really understanding when I said I needed to study. And a few select close friends knew too...that we see often as well. But none of my family knew! I'm telling you that was so hard to keep a secret. Especially cause our family reunion was right after I took the test!

I never really wanted to do this mostly cause I wanted to get pregnant and have a baby more. I still do! But the truth is, I can't. Not for 3 years probably. I have been so depressed the past few months feeling like my life is pointless. I realized I am the type of person that needs to be working on something or towards something in order to be happy. If I can't start a family for 3 years, I might as well do this!

My goal is to have passed the exam by September. The whole thing. My next test is May 19th. BEC.

After I pass, I still have some stuff to do before I am licensed. I have 18 more credits I have to take in school...but I can do those online. I also have to take some ethics test or something. And then of course a bunch of paperwork and such. I would LOVE to say by the end of the year I'll have it all done. But 18 credits in 4 months, while working full time? Probably not. But I do think I'm safe to say that by this time next year, I'll be a licensed CPA! Wish me luck!


Emily said...

So cool danielle, that's amazing! You should be so proud of yourself, you have been through a lot and accomplished so much. Good luck with the rest!!

Aliese the Writer said...

Okay, I don't know hardly anything about this (I didn't even know what a CPA was until I asked my dad), but I am so happy for you! Only 45% of the people that tested passed and you were one of them! That's so great! And that is so great that you have something to work towards to be happy. I am so happy for you. I love you so much and am so excited to see you! See ya soon! :)

Lizzie said...

holy cow. you sure can keep a secret!!! i am so excited for you. and so impressed!!!! congratualtions on passing. and it's cool you told dad today. love you!!!

Brittany Flint said...

i really was going to be the first to post on this page but my internet died. you always have so many people looking out for you, i knew it was to good to be true for me to be the first one again. that is was awesome you are so smart i should never doubt yourself! so taxes are over and when you have fridays off, yeah we should hang out it would be so fun. let us know!

HeidiT said...

That's so exciting! I had no idea that becoming a CPA was so detailed. I always assumed it was one exam that you had to pass. That's a great goal for this year, good luck!

Megan and Greg said...

What a little secret keeper you are! I am so surprised. I think it's a great goal. I'm impressed. Holy cow, what a test. When you hear things like that it makes me think, "Um . . . should we lighten up the test a little? Is it a little extreme?" But I guess we're talking about money here, and whether it belongs to the government or person. Pretty important stuff. Makes my respect for CPAs go a lot higher. Not that it was low or anything. Anyway. Congrats! Hey, from what you and Dad say, you'll be rollin' in the bucks a year from now and that's always nice!

Sharon/Mom/ Grandma said...

congrats!!! I am so proud of you Danielle, and I am so glad you waited to tell everyone for dad's b-day. It truly made his year! I didn't realize the stats were like that for passing the tests. Wow! You and your dad are smart people!! I am so happy for you! love you!!!

Jess said...

Way to go Danielle!!! I'm very impressed both with your having passed the first test and with your goal to be a CPA. No doubt you will do great with your goal. One of the reasons I love to read your blog so much is that you always seem to be so driven to accomplish things. Very excited for you!!


Oh danyelli I am so proud of you- I'm going to call you tomorrow, Oooo I just realized- it's a friday, will you have it off? Ok- well I'm going to call you tomorrow-love you-

Kristi M. said...

Wow! I thought you finished school and took an exam and became a CPA. I had not idea the testing and schooling that goes with it when you are all said and done. What a surprise for your dad and family. So incredibly impressive given the statistics. Amazing!

Jaye said...

Congratulations! This is awesome news and thank you for sharing it with us. You know, God has a plan. Tough thing is that we do not always understand the plan. But in time, God will bless you with what you want, a family. Enjoy this time, (your good days) to enjoy each other. I hope that you are feeling better soon.

Courtenay Beth said...

Hey, thanks for the comment about the velcro! Is it the UDU brand, like on tv? I am SO getting this! THANKS for the tip!
Good luck on the CPA journey! You go girl!