Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Moving blog

So, I decided to start a new blog.

Don't ask why...just decided to. I attempt to explain on the first post.

Here is the address, I am no longer posting on this blog.


Monday, September 2, 2013

White water rafting

A few weeks ago, Clay and I went white water rafting with some of his cousins and uncle. The family owns two huge rafts that have been in the family for over 35 years! Can you believe that? They have taken really good care of them. Anyhow, it was a BLAST! I loved it so much! The place we went was awesome because we had calm parts, bumpy parts, and pretty intense parts! Nothing that made me too scared or anything though! It made me want to do it every single year. A tradition. I'm so glad I went!

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Goals by Numbers...to date

Wowee, well I sure have been slacking on my "Goals by Numbers" deal. But I figured I should get this tally up to date and try my best to hit my numbers by the end of the year. Let me tell you, I have a lot to get done in four months if I am to make all those numbers! Yikes! Summer has been busy and fun, so anyhow...here is where I'm at.

Play 1000 songs on the piano- 316 played
Read 12 new books- 4 read
Make 52 new recipes- 30 made
Have 12 memorable dates with Clay- 7 dates
Read Genesis through 2 Kings of the Old testament- Genesis read

So by my count this is how many I need to do by the end of December:

684 songs
8 books
22 recipes
5 dates
11 books in the bible

Yikes! I think I can definitely acheive some of those...but some I'm not so sure (coughbiblecough)...Oh well, I shall continue to try. I really think the books one is possible simply for the fact that in the fall and winter I read a lot...and go out a LOT less.

I will try and update the blog with all the fun things Clay and I have been up to. I've gotten quite a few things done off of my 25 in 25th year list too. I just love lists huh?

Well, wish me luck!